domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

Father's Day, 10th August, Sunday.
Here's a glass of Bavaria Premium, same batch as yesterday. Barbie on the terrace with my son (it being Dad's day an that). That's a slab of dead pig's ribs on the cutting board.

Yes, yes, I know, it's not a glass but it gets a picture here anyway. This pint pewter tankard was given to me 22 years ago as a going away gift when I left Northern Ireland the first time. The lady has polished tits where I rest my thumb. Saturday, 9th August, a great barbecue with great friends. The beer is a regular Bavaria Premium long neck, 355ml bottle.

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008

Wednesday, 6th August around 8pm. Another ator??? Home alone, Dickens, Walter Scott, Jules Verne, George Eliot and a mug of Abadessa's Emigrator Doppel Bock, 7.2% (and a pink Corvette Convertable???).

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Sunday early evening around 8pm. This is the third can of an "-ator" series of strong lagers that I found in the supermarket from Amsterdam Beers, the first was Explorator at 6.8%, then comes Navigator, 8.4%, both of which I drank yesterday, then comes this lovely, Maximator, I wonder if they do a Masturb-. As for the glass, Y Ddraig Goch, The Red Dragon, a symbol, nay, The Flag of Cymru.

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

Saturday, 2nd August, around 18.00
Sunset through a glass of Eisenbahn Pale Ale, bit fuzzy because I think I didn't have the camera on macro mode .

I think the flash went off for this one.

Stella Artois (or as we used to call it "Stella Tortoise"), draught at "Pubway" (copy of Subway?? or just a variation of "No Way"?), Saturday, 2nd August, lunchtime with Fran. These are probably the only glasses I've seen marked with the measurement (a mere 250 ml in this case), so you know yer getting THAT much beer and not 100ml of beer and 300 ml of foam. (hmm pretty difficult in a 250ml glass)
Friday, 1st August, around 8pm.

Unfortunately I guess because of bad lighting this Baden Baden Strong Red Ale turned out a nasty sludgy brown colour in the picture.

This one looks a bit healthier from a different angle. The glass is a heavy based thick mug that I had engraved with the ZZ Top Eliminator album cover and my old army nickname, Nev, about 20 years ago. On this occasion I'm watching "Bucket List" on dvd and eating pizza with my boy, Fran